Our Inspection drone services. Conducting visual inspections is made far safer, easier and cost effective through the deployment of drones. In just a couple of hours on site, we’ve been able to inspect hard-to-reach places that would have otherwise required the implementation of costly and time-consuming access provisions such as the erecting of scaffolding or high-rope access. They would have also required man entry and potentially putting a human life in an unnecessarily high-risk situation. Contractors we have served in the past have been praised by their client for the initiative to engage with us to save costs and reduce risk.
Among other things, we have deployed our drones into large concrete water tanks that have shown signs of failure and settlement tanks at Water Treatment Works to inspect scrapers and associated mechanical components. We’ve inspected the roof of a pump house which had suffered unknown levels fire damage which meant that man-entry was deemed too dangerous and checked the levels of tanks where digital level-reading devices had failed.
Whatever your inspection requirements, we look forward to discussing your requirements.